(808) 538-0944
You Have To Heal The Cell To Get The Body Well!

Your Health Matters
Dr. Sandee Shanti has been in the healthcare industry for more than 30 years. During that time, Dr. Shanti has learned and applied various holistic principles like: nutrition, weight loss, kinesiology, cellular level detoxing, chiropractic, life style coaching, BrainCore Therapy - Neurofeedback, Magnesphere Therapy, and counseling.
The doctors drive was due to personal health issues, caused by exposure to lethal levels of poisonous gases and chemicals, while working as a Process Plant Operator and Industrial Firefighter in an oil refinery. Dr. Shanti's recovery can only be seen as miraculous, and due entirely to a serious change in lifestyle, diet, nutrition, stress reduction, chiropractic, neurofeedback, Magnesphere therapy, and God's healing power.
Early in Drs. Shanti careers a choice to specialize in pediatrics and sports (extremity) adjusting came about due to the birth of their son. It was imperative to make sure that our sons health was maintained at its maximum ability to express his optimum potential in life. Therefore, both doctors delved deeply into what constitutes children's optimal health potential and utilized that in our practices. Even today kids and sports injuries are a large part of the clinic.
In private practice, Dr. Shanti offers a comprehensive, holistic, and yet individually tailored approach to optimum health and wellness for the whole family. We look at the body as an entire unit, as that is the only way to ensure excellent health. We must look at the cells, nervous system, nutrition, exercise, sleep, mental well being, and your purpose in life.
Dr. Shanti truly is a hands on Neuropsychoimmunologist.
Our purpose is to educate the people of our community about a new and better way of reaching and maintaining optimal health and wellness.
Our goal is to deliver high quality, loving, results oriented care, so that each person may reach their own personal wellness care goals.
We would like to participate in making it possible for each person to grow up and live in a truly drug/chemical – free environment.
Dr Sandee Shanti is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), a licensed Doctor of Pastoral Science (PScD), and certified in Neurofeedback.

What’s Available
This is a 15 minute slot. When reserving your spot please book the number of slots necessary for the amount of people in your ohana (1 person - 1 slot, 2 people - 2 slots, etc.).
Prices will Vary depending on the plan you select with the Doctor.
New Patients will come in for a initial evaluation prior to getting adjusted. The evaluation, at this time is scheduled at 45 minutes. You will do a few scans, a few tests, and go over your medical history, among other diagnostic things. The Evaluation is $197.91 (the required Hawaii GE Tax is included in that price), and it includes a second appointment where we will go over a report of findings by the Doctor after your evaluation.

Magnesphere Sessions are $100 per hour, which can be paid at the time of your appointment. There is also a 6 - session package at $85 per hour (subtotal is $510), and a 12 - session package at $75 per hour (subtotal is $900), both of which must be paid in advance. (All listed prices do not yet include the required GE Tax)
Note: If you wish to book a 6 or 12 session package in the magnesphere, all sessions after the first one must be booked in office.
"Our life is what our thoughts make it"